Programs Committee: If you are interested in joining the programs committee to help plan future programs, please contact Sarah Myers (

Current Programs

Save the Date and Call for Proposals!

Program Theme: Work Smarter, Not Harder!

What: Spring 2025 Program

When: Friday, April 11, 2025 starting at 9:30 AM

Where: Virtual via Zoom (watch for forthcoming link!)

Call for Proposals:

The ACLCP Programming Committee invites you to share strategies, innovations, and solutions that have helped streamline workflows, save time, and reduce mental load at your library.

We’re seeking 7-minute presentations on the theme of “Work Smarter, Not Harder.” Whether your innovations are in instruction, cataloging, weeding, public services, managing student employees, or any other aspect of library work, we want to hear from you! What projects have you been working on? How have your strategies made a tangible difference?

What We’re Looking For:

  • Practical examples of processes, tools, or systems implemented to increase efficiency or simplify tasks
  • Innovations that have saved time, reduced staff energy, or lessened mental load
  • Collaborations that have reduced duplication of efforts
  • Approaches that could possibly be adapted by other libraries
  • Efforts related to any area of library operations

Presentation Details:

  • Each presentation will be 7 minutes long.
  • The event will be held online on Friday, April 11 and is open to our ACLCP community.

How to Submit:

Please submit your proposal by filling out the Google form. The submission deadline is Friday, March 21.

We look forward to hearing how you’ve worked smarter at your library!


Past Programs

Fall 2024 Program Save the Date Image.

What: Fall 2024 Program

Program theme: Shaping Tomorrow’s Academic Libraries: Practical Innovations (We’ll also have the opportunity to tour Millersville’s McNairy Library!)

Program agenda:

AI presentation from Dr. Matt Bergman presentation link:

When: Friday, November 22, 2024

Where: Millersville University, Millersville, PA


After program survey link:

ACLCP Spring 2024 Theme Image: I Love My Library

What: Spring 2024 ACLCP Virtual Conference

When: Friday, April 12, 2024, 9:30 – 11:00 AM

Where: Virtual via Zoom (View Recording)

Presenter Materials:

Attendee Survey:

Program Schedule:

Questions? Contact Sarah K. Myers (

Fall 2023: Navigating the Kaleidoscope of AI (Program Flyer)

When: Friday, October 20, 2023

Where: Messiah University, Mechanicsburg, PA


Spring 2023: Collaborations, Presented in Twelve Lightning Rounds (Program Flyer)

Spring 2023 Program Announcement

Many thanks to our presenters for this year’s spring virtual program! And thank you to everyone who attended!

When: Friday, April 21, 2023

Where: Zoom Recording (Contact Jennifer Strain for password)

Program Slides:


Fall 2022: Censorship and Book Banning (Program Flyer)

When: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Where: Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 14th Floor Auditorium


The Essential Work: Centering Our Values, Health, and Humanity

The Delaware Valley Chapter of ACRL invites you to participate in our Spring 2022 Program Series, collectively titled “The Essential Work: Centering Our Values, Health, and Humanity”. This program series and our guiding questions were inspired by the ongoing uncertainty around and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past 22 months we have been asked to reinvent our work, (re)define what is “essential,” and negotiate the tension between our values and our responsibilities.

The Essential Work: Centering Our Values, Health, and Humanity – Part I: Presentations

Date: April 22, 2022

Time: 10:00 AM to Noon


Presentations link:

The Essential Work: Centering Our Values, Health, and Humanity” – Part II: Keynote by Nisha Mody

Date: May 20, 2022

Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM


Keynote Link:

The Essential Work: Centering Our Values, Health, and Humanity” – Part III: Healing in Nature

Date: June 1, 2022

Time: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Healing in Nature Link:

This series is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors:

College and Research Division of the Pennsylvania Library Association. This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor. Show your appreciation by becoming a member of PaLA! And if you are a member – thank you!

Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania

Delaware Library Association

ACLCP Spring 2022 Programs!

ACLCP is pleased to welcome Nancy Kirkpatrick for a keynote presentation on Trust in academic libraries on Thursday, April 28th at 2 pm.

We’ll be preparing for Nancy’s talk with a roundtable discussion on April 14th to brainstorm and discuss trust in our libraries and institutions. All participants will be welcome to join in the discussion!

Roundtable Discussion

Thursday, April 14th

2:00-3:00 pm

Keynote: Trust in Academic Libraries with Nancy Kirkpatrick

Thursday, April 28th

2:00-3:30 pm

Resource List

Meet Nancy Kirkpatrick

Photo of Nancy Kirkpatrick

Nancy S. Kirkpatrick

Nancy S. Kirkpatrick is the Executive Director and CEO of OhioNet, a multitype library consortium representing a diverse membership throughout Ohio and the region. She has over a decade of experience working in and with libraries, including as Director of Library Services at Marian University Indianapolis. Before entering librarianship, she practiced non-profit law and advocacy.

ACLCP Open Discussions for Fall 2021!

Join ACLCP for an hour of roundtable discussions on Zoom. All participants will be welcome to join in the discussion!

There will be two sessions on the same day. One session for librarians and one session for support staff. Everyone from ACLCP libraries is welcome to attend! Each session will break out into roundtables for casual discussions and networking.

Sessions require a password and are free and open to ACLCP members. Send requests for passwords or other questions to Jennifer Strain, Program Committee Co-Chair: | 717-361-1480

Thursday, October 28th

1:00-2:00 pm: Librarians

2:30-3:30 pm: Support Staff


1:00-2:00 pm, For Librarians

Access Services

Collection Development

Many Hats (For those who juggle many responsibilities.)

Research & Instruction


Film/Book Discussion (For those who don’t want to talk work.)

2:30-3:30 pm, For Support Staff

Access Services

InterLibrary Loan

Tech Services


Film/Book Discussion (For those who don’t want to talk work.)

ACLCP Open Discussion Series for Spring 2021

Theme: Wellness

Join ACLCP for a series of open discussions on Zoom! Each discussion will focus on the overarching theme of Wellness. There will be no panels for these discussions, so come ready to participate! All participants will be welcome to join in the discussion and share!

The following is the official schedule for ACLCP’s Spring Discussion Series on Wellness:

  • Session 1: Low Morale
    • Description: Morale is low. We’ll commiserate and share strategies for combating it.
    • Date and Time: Thursday, April 1st 2 – 3 pm
    • Zoom Link:
  • Session 2: Anti-Siloing
    • Description: Even when we aren’t social distancing, we tend to find ourselves in silos. We’ll brainstorm and get started on breaking them down.
    • Date and Time: Friday, April 9th 2 – 3 pm
    • Zoom Link:
  • Session 3: Work/Life Balance
    • Description: This discussion will break out into small groups to discuss work/life balance in different scenarios to be selected by the participants, such as parenting, caring for parents, and being female.
    • Date and Time: Thursday, April 15th 2 – 3 pm
    • Zoom Link:
  • Session 4: Our Employees’ Wellness
    • Description:  For anyone who manages staff or student employees.
    • Date and Time: Friday, April 23rd 2 – 3 pm
    • Zoom Link:
  • Session 5: Deans and Directors (Board of Directors Meeting)
    • Description: Please note, this last session is for deans and directors only.
    • Date and Time: Thursday, April 29th 2 – 3 pm
    • Zoom Link:

Sessions require a password and are free and open to ACLCP members. Send requests for passwords or other questions to Jennifer Strain, Program Committee Co-Chair: | 717-361-1480

ACLCP Open Discussion Series for Fall 2020

Academic Libraries in the Time of Covid-19

Join us for a series of open discussions on Zoom. Each discussion will focus on one aspect of how academic libraries have been affected by Covid-19. Like a virtual roundtable, the discussions will be kicked off by an invited panel and then all participants will be welcome to join in and share! Free and Open to ACLCP members.

Session 1: Maintaining Work/Life Balance. Sharing strategies and techniques to achieve work/life balance and keep from being overwhelmed.

  • Panelists: Maureen Bentz, Lebanon Valley College; William Rotella, US Army War College; Josefine Smith, Shippensburg University
  • Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
  • Zoom link:

Session 2: Adapting Access Services. How we are maintaining access whether our buildings are open or closed.

  • Panelists: Dawn Boody, Kutztown University; Karen Colburn, Kutztown University; Fay Youngmark, Penn State Harrisburg
  • Date: Friday, October 30 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
  • Zoom link:

Session 3: Research & Instruction. How we’ve adapted to the virtual environment.

  • Moderator: Josefine Smith, Shippensburg University
  • Date: Wednesday, November 4 from 1:00 Pm to 2:00 PM
  • Zoom link:

Session 4: Deans & Directors’ Perspectives. Keeping our libraries relevant, even if we aren’t physically present.

  • Panelists: Shanna Hollich, Wilson College; Scott Vine, Franklin & Marshall College; Andy Welaich, Millersville University
  • Date: Friday, November 6 from 1 PM to 2 PM
  • Zoom link:

Date: October 25, 2019

Theme: Project Outcome: Outcome Measurement Made Easy (presentation slides available here)
Location: Red Lion Hotel Harrisburg Hershey

Programs Committee

ACLCP offers two conferences on relevant topics of interest each year. All library staff—at ACLCP institutions and within the region—are invited to attend, as the themes often touch on many areas of the field. The Programs Committee spearheads the planning of the fall and spring conferences. If you have ideas for a future conference, or if you’d like to participate in the brainstorming and planning, please contact the Chairs of the Programs Committee.

2019-2020 Programs Committee

Chairs Sarah Myers, Shippensburg University
Jennifer Strain, Elizabethtown College
Members Stephanie Pennucci, Millersville University


Workshops and Seminars

ACLCP funding is available for workshops, seminars, and other events that support the continuing education of the association’s members. The Special Interest Group Chairs are always invited to design professional development sessions for their groups throughout the year. To apply for funding, simply submit to the Chair of the Executive Committee a brief program proposal that outlines the event’s objectives, estimated costs, and anticipated number of participants.

Special Interest Groups

The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) offer a meaningful way to interact with ACLCP colleagues who tackle similar job-specific issues in their daily roles. The fall and spring conferences always include SIG sessions so that the groups can meet to share advice and best practices while discussing timely and pertinent topics. The SIGS also share information via electronic mailing lists, which can be found at

2018-2019 Special Interest Group (SIG) Chairs

Archives and Special Collections Vacant
Cataloging Kate Martin, Gettysburg College
Donna Skekel, Gettysburg College
Circulation Deb Roof, Messiah College
Fay Youngmark, Penn State Harrisburg
Collection Development Jessica Howard, Dickinson College
Theresa Arndt, Dickinson College
Copyright Vacant
Digital Scholarship Susan Krall, Elizabethtown College
R. C. Miessler, Gettysburg College
Directors and Deans Scott Vine, Franklin & Marshall College
Emerging Technologies Gloria Shutter, Harrisburg Area Community College
Meghan Kelly, Franklin & Marshall College
Interlibrary Loan Vacant
Reference and Instruction Josefine Smith, Shippensburg University